There seems to be a style of UK / EU commentary that reads (in my maybe unfair view) like "why can't we all just get along" - the Kumbaya gambit

i always think that the actual answer to "why can't we all just get along" was in fact answered a while ago and it is the EU - the greatest peace and cooperation project since WW2 - take nothing for granted!!

there is no innate reason that people / countries should "get along" - just look at the US, but as imperfect as the EU is, it is still incredibly effective at working for the benefit of its "members" and we are not members any more, I get the "well mutual areas of beneficial interest yada yada" but i still refer back to my original point - if that is/was so easy & effective then we wouldn't have an EU in the first place - yet we do

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Tom Read David’s paper and had exactly the same thoughts regarding it. From my own experience of being a member of a British Union all my working life (ATGWU) while I worked for ESB and then CPSU trade union where I held the European responsibility it was always evident that the British left and centre left had a completely different view of Europe than in Ireland. Always a reluctance to accept the European approach. We got bad options out habits from them too at times. Blair Horan

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I think we Irish just have a different feel "in our bones" about Europe than do the British. Going back to the "Wild Geese" and maybe even earlier, we have always seen Europe as a place of refuge and support. Never an enemy.

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Since Youth Mobility would be a winwin for both, I suggest repeat-season rights be forfarm and fruit labourers the quidproquo for "creatives'" touring freedom. And I agree EU will never become EUKU.

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